Ein frohes Ostara

Euch allen ein frohes Ostara!

Möge die Tagundnachtgleiche euch Ausgeglichenheit schenken!
Möge Eostra in euch eure Lebenskraft wecken!
Und mögen wir alle im Beginn des Frühlings Hoffnung, Freude und Mitgefühl finden!

Praise to the Spring, Praise to all living things
Praise to the Maiden and the joy that she brings
Praise to the Earth let all her creatures now sing
Hope is renewed with the coming of the Spring

We turn from the darkness and the wise Crone within
We turn to the Maiden and creation begins
Its a time for things growing and time now for flowing
A time now for sowing the seeds of your dreams.

Praise to the Spring, Praise to all living things
Praise to the Maiden and the joy that she brings
Praise to the Earth let all her creatures now sing
Hope is renewed with the coming of the Spring

The heart fires are stirring with the new life returning
Its time now for learning what rebirth truly means
We honor ourselves and all the faeries and elves
May we dance and ring bells
for the coming of the Spring!

Praise to the Spring, Praise to all living things
Praise to the Maiden and the joy that she brings
Praise to the Earth let all her creatures now sing
Hope is renewed with the coming of the Spring

So open your heart to natures wondrous art.
Its time now to start the Healing of the Green.
Young rabbits abound and theres flowers all around
The air is filled with the Sound
of the Coming of the Spring!

Praise to the Spring, Praise to all living things
Praise to the Maiden and the joy that she brings
Praise to the Earth let all her creatures now sing
Hope is renewed with the coming of the Spring

So open your heart to natures wondrous art.
Its time now to start the Healing of the Green.
Young rabbits abound and theres flowers all around
The air is filled with the Sound
of the Coming of the Spring!

Praise to the Spring, Praise to all living things
Praise to the Maiden and the joy that she brings
Praise to the Earth let all her creatures now sing
Hope is renewed with the coming of the Spring.

Diesen und andere ganz wunderbare Chants zu den Jahreskreisfesten von Lisa Thiel gibt es auf ihrer CD Circle of the Seasons.

Über Nymphenkuss

Naturspiritualität im neuen Jahrtausend
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